Friday, July 13, 2007

I find it funny that you think you make me feel good.

Watched the new's this afternoon and heard that in Beijing some food seller's were putting cardboard inside meat bun's. The meat inside wasn't even "meat meat" it was basically the fat from the meat. I couldn't believe it, but when they showed what the hidden camera had recorded I felt this odd sensation in my stomach and shut the t.v off.
I like eating meat bun's. I don't want to be paranoid now but after watching that i'm not going to be able to stop myself.

Recently i've been watching alot of thing's on t.v that's turning me off to all kind's of meat.
All this disgusting information may just turn me into a vegetarian.

There is just way too much to do in the process of becoming a citizen of the United States. Even though I know that all of it is being done for the safety of the state's I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I am already physically and mentally tired. Dealing with immigration is just adding to the level of stress I already deal with. The only silver lining in all of this is that I was told since I already have a child with my husband the process should be a bit quicker. I really don't mind all the paperwork it's the interview I want to get over with. That is probably the most nervewracking situation any couple can be in considering all of the question's you will be asked are random and you can never be prepared for it.
Aaaah I keep stressing when there is no need to be >:O

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Not hiding how I feel today really felt good. Revealing my feeling's and letting him know the truth was something I needed to do. I wasn't going to speak to him unless he spoke first. So when he did I waited for him to say something about the situation. I assume that he didn't realize I was angry because he asked me why I don't talk anymore and I told him I was busy. So when topic of my gaming was brought up I finally decided to not be so nice.

him (10:47:07 PM): what do you do with your time?
me (10:47:17 PM): take care of my kid
him (10:47:30 PM): and play warcraft
me (10:47:49 PM): yeah so?
him (10:47:55 PM): ppsshh!
him (10:47:56 PM): you're mean
me (10:48:10 PM): because you alway's say i shouldnt play it
him (10:48:25 PM): cause you shouldn't
me (10:48:42 PM): no offense but telling me that isn't going to stop me
him (10:49:25 PM): whatever!
him (10:49:36 PM): you've fallen into the game already
him (10:49:41 PM): do whatever you want
me (10:50:03 PM): i will

I guess people really do change and friend's become something of a different sort. What is, is and i'm not going to fix something that is just going to continue in a negative pattern.
Sorry but i'm an adult, I don't tell you what to do with your life so kindly don't tell me what to do with mine.
On a positive note it look's as if my brother and I will be patching thing's up.
We'll see.

Friday, July 6, 2007

How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct.
-Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)

You really shouldn't tell people what they should and should not be doing. I like to play game's. So what? Sometime's I feel as if he should look at himself. Before he judges me he should evaluate what he does with his own life. He is online just as much as I am. He play's game's too. So what if he's "taking a break" from game's. But then as soon as another new online game come's around he's going to be playing that one. I do not play ALL the time. How can I when I have a daughter to take care of. A daughter that need's constant attention WHEN she is awake which is almost all day. I only play when she take's her nap's which is few and far between. Guess what her nap time's is two time's a day. TWO. The rest of the day I am playing with her, and feeding her. I am a good mother. I do not neglect my child when she want's me. I do not leave her in a corner alone just so I can play game's. I am mother enough to wait till she sleep's so I can do the thing's I NEED to do. So do not tell me that I need to change because I will change if I feel it is doing harm. Not because you tell me too.

Mother's do need to take care of they're children but that does not mean they can't have time to do the activities that they enjoy.

I will continue to play WoW as long as I want.

This post is way overdue but due to "real life" priorities I have not had the time to type what I was feeling at that point in time. Unfortunately I still feel that way toward's him and I wish I didn't.