Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone's Easter was enjoyed. My parent's couldn't celebrate it with me this year since they went to Puerto Rico for about two week's. I would have went but I felt that my daughter was too young seeing as she isn't even one yet and hasn't had all her shot's. I didn't want to take a chance with her since there's mosquito`s over there and boy they love to bite american blood ><;; I should know since I used to go there once a year since the age of two. Alway's came back with ton's of bite's. Well anyway I didn't spend it alone, my husband and I decided to take a trip to my parent's house to visit my grandfather since he was alone. It was nice, quiet but nice. The drive as usual long...almost two hour's. I hate long car ride's so I ended up playing with my cell cam which didn't last to long because my attention span isn't the longest.

oink oink!

The long trip was worth it because I got to see my grandfather, I know that being alone for him is the most boring thing. He is the type of person that like's to keep himself busy, he hate's having nothing to do to. Just seeing the smile he gave us when we got there just made me tear up because my mom alway's tell's me that he say's he misses me being around :]

FF XI wise nothing much. I don't have the time to play as much as I used too. My daughter is getting older which requires way more attention then I used too. She doesn't sleep as much and now she's crawling all over the place. She can't sit still for a minute so playing the game while Ben is working is pretty much a no-no. Basically the only thing I can do alone is craft :/

1. My character in Yuna's Songstress outfit ^^
2. I finally got my cooking skill to 50 :]

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