It's a little after 2am....kinda tired. My husband just got home from work so I get a break from taking care of my daughter. I'm just waiting on some ramen, my husband was kind enough to make some for me /smile. So I decided to finally have my own blog. Xanga just isn't what it used to be. Actually I haven't used xanga since I was 18 so it really is in the past. I don't know if anyone reading this has used xanga before but I remember back whe I was 15 and everyone was using it. All my highschool friend's would hit each other up with comment's and try to get the most eprop's /laugh. Those were the day's when everything was just about who was going out with who and who was breaking up with who. Now it's about mid-term's final's and work. Time does fly by when I finally sit and think about it. I'm married and I have a daughter. Funny how I alway's said I didn't want to get married ad have kid's. I guess the phrase "never say never" really is true. Well my point of this blog is just to tell you that i'll be using this from time to time to tell you a little about my travel's in Vana'diel [not much to really tell since I don't really have time to play as much as I used too] and a little on my daily life [once again not much to do, this time because I am a mom]. So i'll end here with a big /yawn and wish you a /goodnight. If I see you tomorrow /hello! and if I don't then /see you again!
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