I decided to try cooking something i've never tried cooking before. After looking for a good recipe I finally found one. I decided to make pan fried noodles with cabbage and chicken. I've tried it on several occasion's and soon thought it's easy enough to make why continue to spend money on it? Usually Ben likes to go to the bakery and get it for breakfast along with char siu bao. After checking out the ingredient's I went to a supermarket not far from our house and bought noodle's and cabbage. I already had most of the ingredient's from making other food's. In my mind I thought it was going to be really easy. It is, but it requires patience.

Everything had to be cooked separately so I had to clean out my wok over and over :/
Even though I had to constantly clean out my wok it was worth it in the end because it turned out to be really good.

It started out from this and ended up like this (^^)v
I thought it wasn't going to have much taste to it considering the recipe said to mix some sesame oil into the cooked noodle's. Everything else was pretty much seasoned with soy sauce.
Yes, that is Goya garlic. I am spanish after all so I had to use something from that part of me. I may be married to an asian but i'm still proud of who I am. Oh, and I don't always cook asian stuff, I also cook italian and spanish. I was brought up in a spanish and italian family so that was inevitable.
So on another note anyone notice how warm the weather is getting? Aah, it's that time again for short's and sweat. I pretty much don't mind hot weather as long as i'm somewhere with air conditioning lol. I'm not a hot weather person. I get intense migrane's when i'm in a very hot place for too long which is why I don't frequent the beach that often. I don't even know why I developed this problem. When I was younger I used to go to the beach all the time. Going to Puerto Rico all the time there is no way you can visit there and not go to the beach. Anyway, I don't dwell on it since i'm used to it. This thought just always pop's up whenever summer is near.
I've taken break's on alot of game's. I used to play game's all the time but recently i've just been losing interest. Is it because i'm getting older? Do we lose the interest we had when we were younger and all we wanted was to spend time in front of our t.v with a game controller in our hand's? I still enjoy them I just don't get as excited about them anymore. I haven't even finished final fantasy xii and i'm supposed to be a big ff fan? Hmm. I guess thing's do change once you "grow up".
The other day I went to an asian supermarket with my husband and the cashier told him that my daughter look's like me especially the eye's. Now I love it when someone tell's me that my daughter resemble's me (you know considering the fact that she look's asian?) but I just don't understand what she said. Um her eyes...they are well they are "chinese" looking. Mine are these big round ball looking thing's. To me she look's like my husband and to my husband she look's like me. I know I know STOP OBSESSING. I will....eventually.
My daughter recently discovered how to grind her teeth. Ever since she got her two front teeth all she does is "grind...grind...grind" It's so annoying! My husband grind's his teeth when he sleep's so now I have to deal with her grinding in the day and him at night. My first concern when I noticed it was is she going to have the same problem and my husband? He has a weird habit of grinding his teeth in his sleep. I read it's not good to grind your teeth considering your in a way filing your teeth down. So doing the usual baby research I do when she reaches every new month I was relieved to read that it is normal for babies to do that.