I'm feeling angry very angry right now. 11 hour's at home alone. I just can't take it anymore. I mean I haven't had a decent rest in like 4 day's. I'm not in the mood to hear anything. Stop saying you are going to do something when you don't plan on doing anything. Every single time I remind you of what you should be doing you say "okay i'll start doing it". It's all bullshit. You've been saying that for a year and a half already. There is no excuse for what you are doing. Being a lazy ass person is not going to get you anywhere but alone and unhappy. I won't stick around waiting year after year for you to change. I have already done that for almost 3 year's. I'm tired of it. As I see it you are definitely not planning to change any time soon. If you don't want to change then i'm going to have to make a change of my own.Once I do that don't come crying to me that you are sorry and that everything will be different like you always do. I'm done with that bullshit. I need to move on because being stuck in the same place isn't doing anyone any good.
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