My goal lose 20-25lbs by end of summer.
I've been listening to the song I like it by Narcotic Thrust and it's reminding me that I need to exercise more. I started exercising again but not every single day. Being so busy with my daughter i'm exhausted by the end of the day and just want to sleep when I get the chance. For the past 3 day's I was unable to exercise because I was Upstate watching my little brother while my parent's went away for a couple of day's for a work related event. I told myself I wasn't going to snack on anything but going to my parent's house I didn't listen to myself. My mom always buys stuff I like to eat whenever I come over so I failed to stick to my plan. Now being back home I am back to my regular routine. I thought the few day's I would be at my parent's house would be a breeze but it turned out to be more hectic than I thought it would. My brother got sick the day before my parent's left. He wound up being sick the whole time I was there. The day before I was supposed to leave my daughter caught what my brother had and I wound up being so stressed out by taking care of two sick children. this was a real test for me. I think I did pretty well considering today when I left both my brother and daughter had no fever. I think God was testing me and I hope I passed whatever test he had for me. I know I lost a little of my patience but I eventually got it back.
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